Impact Daytime Construction Noise Monitoring Results 
Location : M2 (West Tai Wo - Free Field)
Day time 07:00-19:00 hrs Normal Weekdays Impact Noise Monitoring Results
  Measured Noise Level for 30-min, dB(A) Limit Level, dB(A) Exceedance (Y/N)
Date Start Time Leq* L10* L90*
5-Feb-18 13:35 70.8 72.3 68.7 75 N 12022644.35 16982436.52 7413102.413
15-Feb-18 13:30 67.7 69.5 65.5 75 N 5888436.554 8912509.381 3548133.892
21-Feb-18 14:10 70.2 73.9 66.2 75 N 10471285.48 24547089.16 4168693.835
27-Feb-18 14:30 66.5 68.0 64.5 75 N 4466835.922 6309573.445 2818382.931
Location : M3 (Fanling Government Secondary School- Façade)
Day time 07:00-19:00 hrs Normal Weekdays Impact Noise Monitoring Results
  Measured Noise Level for 30-min, dB(A) Limit Level, dB(A)^ Exceedance (Y/N)
Date Start Time Leq L10 L90
5-Feb-18 14:40 67.4 69.5 65.7 70 N 5495408.739 8912509.381 3715352.291
15-Feb-18 13:05 60.1 61.0 57.5 70 N 1023292.992 1258925.412 562341.3252
21-Feb-18 15:09 64.2 67.5 60.2 70 N 2630267.992 5623413.252 1047128.548
27-Feb-18 13:30 59.5 60.5 57.0 70 N 891250.9381 1122018.454 501187.2336
*  +3dB(A) Façade effect correction included
^ Limit Level of 70dB(A) applies to education institutes while 65dB(A) applies during school examination period.