24-hour TSP Monitoring Results at Station SR77
(Yuen Leng 2)
Sampling Date Wt. of paper (g) Elapse Time Flow Rate (CFM) Total Volume
TSP Concentration
Initial Wt. Final Wt. Wt. of dust Initial Final Sampling Hour Initial Final Avg Flow Rate
2019-05-06 2.6749 2.7162 0.0413 35.67 59.67 24.00 51 51 51.0 2079.59 19.9 Cloudy
2019-05-10 2.6512 2.7551 0.1039 62.67 86.67 24.00 51 51 51.0 2079.59 50.0 Sunny
2019-05-16 *No data was provided, due to the eletricity supply was suspended.
2019-05-22 - - - - 24.00 24.00 51 51 51.0 2079.59 67.2 Sunny
2019-05-28 - - - - 24.00 24.00 51 51 51.0 2079.59 71.2 Sunny
The electricity supply of HVS at AM1(SR77) was suspended from 16 May 2019 and was no longer available. In order to have a more secure electricity supply, an alternative Handheld TSP meter was proposed to use for the temporary monitoring  of 24-hr & 1hr air quality from 22 May 2019.